Tips for Buying Homeowners Insurance Homeowners insurance is a way of protecting your home should the worst happen. The insurance covers damage to the property or to the possessions within the home. It can also cover personal liability, which will offer protection should there be an accident in the home or on the property. When it comes to purchasing homeowners insurance, it is important to do your research in the same way that you would if you were making any other major purchase. Buying homeowners insurance in Austin or any city can be an expensive and time consuming process, but by doing some basic research and following a few tips, it’s possible to save some money and get a better price while still protecting your home. Tip #1: Take Some Basic Security Measures The more secure your home is, the less chance there is of a break in. That means if you take every effort to best protect your home such as installing intruder alarms. Even exterior lighting or motion lights can make a difference. Tip #2 Shop Around Consumers often look around and compare prices for household goods, but they often neglect to shop around and see if they can get a better price on homeowners insurance. Try and get at least three different quotes from three companies to see which the best price is. Working with an independent agent has its advantages since we represent many insurance carriers. Tip #3 Check the Policy Details This is an aspect that often gets overlooked, but in order to get the best deal on a homeowner’s insurance policy, you need to compare the policies alongside each other to determine which policy is the most suitable one. A question to consider asking might be, can you tell me what perils the policy covers? Also look at deductibles. Bottom line, make sure that your policy will cover everything you need. Tip #4 Keep It Up to Date Another important aspect of homeowners insurance is ensuring that it is up-to-date. Have you added a deck or patio? Maybe you had some basic remodeling done? Don’t wait until it’s too late to add coverage. Tip #5 Do a Home Inventory It might seem like a lot of work, but come claim time it will make a HUGE difference. Think about it, you just lost all your belongings to a fire and the insurance adjuster is going to want a list of all personal property. After a fire or theft, this is probably the last thing you’re going to want to do. Check out the website You can upload pictures and videos for free. They also have an app on Android and iPhone. Obviously it can be overwhelming just thinking about it, so go room by room. Try doing one room a month until you have completed the inventory. Jason Matison [email protected] Insurance Agent Austin, TX